Thursday, March 13, 2008

My mom's foot.

So, as I mentioned in my last post, my mom has possibly broken her foot. But, the reason that I am making a post about it, is because my mom is the kind of person that wont go to the doctor about it. She says that us kids are more important than her throbbing foot, and we need her more.

As she was walking across the room to go to the bathroom, she was crying out in pain, as we were all gathered around her and watching her to make sure that if she fell we would be right by her side to help her up.

What happened was my family was going to small group for the first time at a friend's house. We decided to park in the back of the house so that we could leave some space for other people to park on the street, and we would just walk around to the front of the house. Simple right? Maybe if there wasn't a hole in the ground it would be simple. Or maybe if my mom wasn't wearing some ugg-clog-heel type things (that my dad says my mom is never aloud to wear again), it would be simple. Or maybe if my mom didn't walk right on top of the hole with the clogs it would be simple. But, it wasn't. We were walking around the side of the house and my mom didn't notice a hole in the ground, which she slipped and fell on. My mom hobbled over to a bench our friends had in their yard, and sat for a moment. She got up the strength to get up and hobble inside. When we got inside the lady got her some ice, and it was OK.

This morning my mom got up, and everything was not OK. I got up at 6:30 to do my homework that I didn't finish from last night. It got to be 7:00 so I decided to go downstairs to see why my mom hadn't come upstairs to get us yet, because normally she gets us up at 7:00. She said that she needed us to stay home and help her around the house since she was to crippled to walk. So here I am. I just got done feeding everyone lunch, and my brother decided to help me by cleaning up after lunch.

So anyways, just pray for my mom. She is such a good mom, and I love her so much!
Hopefully I will get her to go to the doctor once my dad gets home and can take her.
Thanks for your prayers!!
God bless<3

My New Blog!

Hi! My name is Ashleigh. If you noticed my blog title (A Fraction of the Half Dozen), you might wonder what it means, so I'm going to tell you.
My mom's blog is called Cheaper By the Half Dozen. Since she is my mom and there are six kids in my family, I am a fraction of the half dozen.
I would like to tell you a bit about myself, now that I have explained my blog title.

I am 13 years old and in the eighth grade at a charter school called Queens Grant Community School. I love to sing for Jesus! I also am a swimmer (oh yeah!!), and I swim for my neighborhood. My neighborhood swim team has won first place in championships for 2 years in a row, and we have been undefeated fr 2 years in a row. I am involved in a ton of theater at Matthews Playhouse. They are actually doing a play there right now called Into the Woods, and a play called Snow White. They are getting ready to do Footloose.
Right now my favorite song is Broken Pieces by Matthew West. I recently found it when I was searching songs, and I LOVED it!
There are eight people in my family, and it does get crazy at times, but hey, its great having a big family, and a ton of fun!
My mom is a speaker/writer for Proverbs 31 ministries. She has written the book For The Write Reason.
I am a christian, and I'm not afraid to show it. I love Jesus!!

Well I'll have to blog later, I have to go help my brother get breakfast. You see, my mom possibly broke her foot last night, and if it's not broken then it hurts like it is. Therefore, I am out of school today to help my mom around the house, since she can't walk.

More later!!!!
Have a good day! (: